Thursday morning we went to Hollywood Studios. If you can't tell already, I'll spell it out for you. I love the Magic Kingdom. I would be ok if there wasn't anything else AT Disney World, as long as there was the MK. So, going to Hollywood Studios, for me, was definitely just to see the boys' joy at meeting more characters, seeing the Playhouse Disney show, etc. Ok, Maybe I was looking forward to riding Tower of Terror, just a little bit...
We went straight to the Playhouse Disney part of Hollywood Studios. If you haven't been there recently, they have added a show specifically for the toddler age kids. It is an "episode" of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse that uses some other PHD shows to create a birthday party for Minnie. I think it is safe to say, that it blew Ian's mind. He loved it. He was an active participant in every way, except at the beginning when he didn't realize what was about to happen and was yelling "STOP!"
Aaron liked it too. Both kids were dancin' fools.
After the show, we met Handy Manny and SAW the Little Einsteins and Jojo (from Jojo's Circus... which Ian has never seen because it isn't on TV anymore...). The line was so long to meet the Little Einsteins and Ian didn't seem to mind that we just waved to them and moved on.
We met Sorcerer Mickey (and got perhaps our best pictures with Characters from the whole trip). He was really kind, spent a lot of time with our kids (in comparison, we were not rushed through our meeting with Sorcerer Mickey at all. He signed Ian's autograph book, he interacted with both kids, he was helpful in getting a good picture and just very fun! We also saw the old guy, the kid, & the dog from Up. Sorry, I don't know their names... And Met Mr. Incredible. (Shoop Daddy as Ian calls him.)
As the day wore on and the temperatures rose, Ian's patience diminished. By the time we got over to meet Lightning McQueen & Mater, Ian was in meltdown mode. He did perk up momentarily when he met them, though.
Roger decided we'd had enough of the heat so we made a quick stop to do single riders at Tower of Terror & then went back to the hotel to swim. And all H-E-double-hockey-sticks was about to break loose. While at the pool, Aaron decided to get sick. He threw up ALL OVER me & him as we were toweling off to come upstairs. We thought it was just a fluke... swallowed too much pool water or something. And Aaron is "a puker" anyway. He has a really sensitive gag reflex and vomits probably once a week on average, even when he's not sick.
We wanted to have a nice "last dinner at Disney" so I called Le Cellier, the steakhouse at Canada in Epcot. They are usually booked solid and I really didn't think we had a chance to get in, but I tried anyway. To my surprise (and the guy on the reservations line, too) they had a cancellation for a party of 4 at 6pm just before I called. So we got to go to Le Cellier! As we were waiting for our table, Roger had taken Ian somewhere to entertain him & I was holding Aaron. All of a sudden, he projectile vomited ALL DOWN MY FRONT. All down my (white) shirt, my capri pants, my feet/flip flops, etc. I sent Roger to buy me a new shirt & changes Aaron's clothes, tried to clean up the best I could... They seated us and we had just nicely received our drinks and appetizers, when Aaron vomited on me again. Roger paid the bill and we left... before we ate. So much for Le Cellier. :_(
We had to quickly stop in the big gift shop to buy our souvenirs. Have I mentioned we hadn't purchased ANY yet because we were waiting until the last night? So... sorry if you don't get one, or if you do happen to, that it is not very thoughtful... I had baby puke saturating my underwear and was trying to hurry. All I got for myself was a purple shirt that Roger picked out to replace my puked-on one... and it also got puked on. As we waved goodbye to our last night at Disney World, we were pretty disappointed that it ended the way it did. More importantly, we were sad that Aaron was apparently REALLY sick on our vacation... *sigh*
Aaron was sick again in the night and only wanted to sleep in the buff, laying face-down on the leather sofa in the living room of the condo. ?? I have no idea why, but that was the only place he was content. So I laid half on the sofa, half on a chair pulled up beside the sofa and slept maybe 2 hours total. Friday was check-out-and-head-to-the-beach day, and I bet you're just DYING to hear how THAT went. It wasn't pretty, I'll give you that little clue.
You're so funny, Susan! I mean, I'm sorry Aaron was sick. :( But the way you retell the story makes it all sound so funny!