^just a tiny little portion of the Wyndham Bonnet Creek Resort, our condo (2 bed, 2 bath, complete kitchen, dining room, living room, etc.) was the 2nd balcony up in the middle column.
Just after leaving Orlando (literally, we had been in the car about 5 minutes), Aaron vomited everywhere. He was covered head-to-toe, his car seat, his clothes, etc. It was so gross. We pulled over to the side of the highway and cleaned him up as best we could. Got back in the car and continued on. What else were we to do? We'd already checked out of the Wyndham and there wasn't really anywhere to "go" anyway. It's a 2 hour drive from Orlando to St. Pete Beach and both kids slept the whole way. I ate a gigantic rice krispie treat. It was the size of my arm, I think. Roger talked to me to keep me awake. (I was driving... stupid rental car rules... and Alamo trying to charge us an extra $10/day to have a 2nd driver on the vehicle.) On the way, I called Aaron's pediatrician in Pennsylvania to let them know what was going on. The nurse said that if he was still throwing up by 5pm, we needed to take him to an ER. She also said it was most likely a virus and it would pass after 24 hours (probably) and then he'd get the scoots for a day or two. (She was exactly right, that's exactly what happened.)
^before the barf...
^youngest kid with an Ipod?
We stopped at Walgreens and got Aaron some pedialyte, some sand toys, and a pair of flip-flops for Roger, who had forgotten his at home. Got all checked into the Plaza Beach Motel.
^hotel room window view
It was right on the beach. The closest to the beach I've ever stayed, unless you count being right on the beach at the Holiday Inn in Corpus Christi, TX.
^feeling better maybe?
It was SO HOT. I decided it was best for Aaron to stay inside in the air conditioning while we did the 5mls Pedialyte every 5 min for 1 hour regimen. Roger took Ian out to the beach and they had a lot of fun splashing around and building sand creations. Aaron finally perked up after having the pedialyte and he never vomited again after the car ride. He drank pedialyte most of the afternoon and was better by dinner time. We ate dinner at Crabby Bill's Seafood. I had the prime rib (ha ha ha) and it was delicious. I also had a Pina Colada. My first drink with alcohol in it in... probably almost 2 years. It was also delicious.
^from the restaurant
^From the Hotel Room Window
We watched the sunset from the restaurant. When we got back to the hotel, Roger asked my parents to watch the boys for a few minutes while we walked on the beach. It just so happened that somebody was doing a fireworks show a little ways up the beach and we got to watch it! Fun! Turns out Ian and my mom also watched it from the hotel balcony. Aaron was almost asleep when we got back so I nursed him and put him to bed. He got his nebulizer treatment after he was asleep.
Only 2 days of vacation left...
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