Children’s hospital called yesterday to tell us Ian’s check-in time and the details of his ear tube insertion.
He will be checked in at 12pm. I begged them for an earlier time, due to his eating restrictions for the anesthesia, but all the slots before him are YOUNGER babies, so I couldn’t argue.
He will not even have an IV, the surgery takes 15 min from the time he is taken into the OR until the time he wakes up. I will be allowed in recovery before he wakes up so that I am there when he comes out of the anesthesia. The nurse said he will want to eat immediately, probably, and so I should be ready to nurse him.
We are all ready for it, with the exception of worrying about the eating situation. He is not allowed any solids after midnight, no breast milk after 8am, and nothing but pedialyte and apple juice until 10am. Nothing at all after 10. Ian is very VERY grumpy when hungry and usually cries a LOT when he doesn’t get his milk…so we are very concerned about how the day is going to go without feedings in the morning. AY!
Please keep us in your thoughts on Monday!
Thank you,
Susan (Roger & Ian)
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