Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I love wordles

I love wordles. this is what I've been blogging about on here. I think it's pretty accurate.

Wordle: Susan's Blog

Friday, February 13, 2009


No, I haven't forgotten about this blog. We've just had SO much going on... First grandma's surgery, then Ian got sick, then Aaron got sick (http://the4thvandervort.wordpress.com), then Ian got an ear infection and mommy got sick. It's just been bananas around here.

We're pining for spring. We're desperate. We just NEED a change.

Anyway, Ian will soon be "turning" 22 months old. That's pretty darn close to 2 years. Ay yay yay!

I took this on Tuesday, when it was 65 degrees in Pittsburgh!